Synergy Snaps Instagram contest

Every fall, the relocation and mobility industry gather for Worldwide ERC to network, catch up on the latest business travel trends. In 2021, Synergy began hosting Synergy Snaps, an Instagram scavenger hunt. Since its inception, the Synergy Instagram account’s engagement has increased by 104%, and its overall reach by 76%.

As the project lead, I oversaw the contest from start to finish, including the ideation, design, and overall execution in the contest’s first and second year.

Tools used: Photoshop, Illustrator

Black history month campaign

In collaboration with the Synergy DEI&A Committee, I helped curate a collection of Black-owned businesses in the home goods space to highlight throughout the month of February. Each week, we would share 5 businesses in each respective category (bath & body, furniture, interior decor, and food & beverages.)

Tools used: Photoshop

branded instagram posts

Following the company rebrand in late 2020, I collaborated with the Synergy creative director to cohesively produce informative, templated Instagram content that would be visually engaging for its audience while still aligning with the new style guide.

Tools used: Photoshop, Illustrator

templated video content

With the rising popularity of video content, I worked with Synergy’s international team to create a series of informative, looping videos highlighting the company’s global locations.

Tools used: Premiere Pro, Illustrator


ROY Hospitality | Social Media & Email Design


Synergy Housing | Print Design